Poltergeist (1982) - DVD Download

Tags terms: Poltergeist, Poltergeist Horror, Poltergeist Thriller, Poltergeist 1982, Poltergeist Hollywood Avi Movies, 1982, 1982 Horror, 1982 Thriller, 1982 Hollywood Avi Movies, DVD, DVD Horror, DVD Thriller, DVD 1982, DVD Hollywood Avi Movies, Horror, Thriller, 1982, Hollywood Avi Movies, Poltergeist 1982 DVD
Poltergeist (1982)

Release Date: 4 June 1982 (USA)
Genre: Horror | Thriller
A young family are visited by ghosts in their home. At first the ghosts appear friendly, moving objects around the house to the amusement of everyone, then they turn nasty and start to terrorise the family before they "kidnap" the youngest daughter.
Size: 128 mb

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