Twentynine Palms (2003) - DvD Download

Tags terms: Twentynine, Twentynine Horror, Twentynine 2003, Twentynine Hollywood Avi Movies, Twentynine Drama, Palms, Palms Horror, Palms 2003, Palms Hollywood Avi Movies, Palms Drama, 2003, 2003 Horror, 2003 Hollywood Avi Movies, 2003 Drama, DvD, DvD Horror, DvD 2003, DvD Hollywood Avi Movies, DvD Drama, Horror, 2003, Hollywood Avi Movies, Drama, Twentynine Palms 2003 DvD
Twentynine Palms (2003)

Release Date: 17 September 2003 (France)
Genre: Drama | Horror
David, an independent photographer, and Katia, an unemployed woman, leave Los Angeles, en route to the southern California desert, where they search a natural set to use as a backdrop for a magazine photo shoot. They find a motel in the town of Twentynine Palms and spend their days in their sport-utility vehicle, discovering the Joshua Tree Desert, and losing themselves on nameless roads and trails. Frantically making love all the time and almost everywhere, they regularly fight, then kiss and make up, with little else going on in their empty relationship and quite ordinary daily life--until something horrible and hideous brutally puts an end to their trip.

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